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Nevertheless – Persist

March was Women’s History Month, and my mind goes back to an event that I attended
to in observance of our contributions to society . During that event, the theme for
Women’s History Month was shared repeatedly and it resonated with my spirit,
Nevertheless – She Persisted.

When you consider all that we as women have encountered and endured, whew! Yes, we have
encountered and endured much, yet we remain.  But the we isn’t limited to the famous Sheroes of the world. This we is every momma, grandma, auntie, and sister girl who has taken a licking, yet kept ticking. The words of this theme ring true – nevertheless she persisted!

April is known as Black Women’s History Month. Therefore I dedicate this blog to you my sisters (and brothers). When you look back over your life, I’m sure you will note that we as women have persisted through so many things: trauma, heartache, illness, and death are just a few examples.

I encourage you that despite what may come our way this year, and the rest of our lives, we must persist in the things that we believe and towards those things that we desire.  Giving up is not an option. We must persist even in what has become a more negative leaning world.

I remind you that you are enough to persist. You can make it. You can do it. You can pursue it. We will be alright. Persist in your faith. Persist in your principles and convictions. Don’t allow the negativity of this world and this life weigh you down to the point where you give in to the thought of throwing in the towel and waving the white flag.

When all is said and done, may the words of Women’s History Month 2018 be an accurate description of  you – nevertheless she persisted. Knowing of course that persistence does pay off! Victory is ours!

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:38

She persisted

Who Are You?

Far too often, many of us do what we have to do in order to earn a paycheck as we make a living. There also are times when we become consumed with supporting and investing our time into others and their dreams.  Meanwhile our real selves get buried under years of filling the roles and expectations …